The Rights and Reproductions office provides images and permissions for the use of works in the museum’s collection. High resolution digital images are available for use in scholarly research, educational programs, print and electronic publications, personal use, and limited commercial projects. All requests must be made in writing, and permission for use is granted at the sole discretion of the New Orleans Museum of Art. Please allow 4-6 weeks for your request to be processed. Additional time may be required if the work requires new photography.
To submit a request for use of an image from NOMA’s collection, please fill out the form below:
Terms of Use and Fees
Includes, but is not limited to, books, exhibition catalogues, and similar publications by libraries, museums, and nonprofit organizations; public-television broadcasts; and other items made available to a limited audience.
Includes, but is not limited to, for-profit publications; textbooks, trade books, reference books, supplemental course readers, and curriculum materials for K-12; motion pictures, commercial television, and video productions; large-circulation or mass-market magazines; printed or televised advertisements; calendars, posters, museum reproductions, postcards, and note cards; other items made available to a wide audience.
Includes, but is not limited to, study, educational, or research purposes only and may not be published or reproduced.
Fees and Gratis Copies
NOMA determines fee quotes based on projected use. Fees will vary depending on the specifics of each request. A contract for use will be provided. In order for the Museum to process a request, a signed copy must be returned and the invoice paid in full. Any oversight of the conditions for reproduction outlined in the contract of use may result in the assessment of additional fees. Additionally, one complete archival copy of the final product in which the image(s) appears must be furnished to the Rights and Reproduction office , within 30 days of publication or fabrication.
NOMA retains all rights, including copyright, of the images it creates and distributes. However, the Museum does not assume responsibility of obtaining copyrights for the artwork itself, as artists or other designated entities may retain the copyright for works in the Museum’s collection. If the Museum does not hold the copyright for the image requested, the applicant is responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright holder or representative. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ascertain whether their image and use falls under copyright law and to obtain copyright permission if necessary.
For further information you may contact Laura Povinelli at 504.658.4145 or